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This interface replaces the dedicated RS485 port for the Control Techniques I/O Box.ĭpl Toolkit Control Techniques Copyright notice: Pirated Software Hurts Software Developers. It has the full functionality of the MD29 plus a CTNet interface for Mentor II Drives only.

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The MD29 is compatible with the following Drives: Mentor II, Vector, CDE, HPCDE The MD29AN is a special version of the MD29. Together with the DPL Toolkit, the MD29allows the programmer to write software or use pre-written software in order to enhance the flexibility of a Variable Speed Drive. The board is designed for easy installation. Yodot Rar Repair Keygen Crack more.Ĭontrol Techniques MD29 CPU Board Microprocessor Card for Mentor II, Vector, CDE and HPCDE Drives Simple Type: TBD The MD29is a compact microcomputer using surface-mount components on a single printed circuit board. Together with the DPL Toolkit, the UD70 allows the programmer to write software or use. The UD70 by Control Techniques is available new, remanufactured. (The old DPL Toolkit software is not supported.)

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SM-Applications module for information on using DPL commands with the a.

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Control Techniques software packages (UniSoft, MentorSoft and.